With kudos and credit to the national organization Americans for the Arts, here is a (slightly revised) list of ways you can get more art in your life - right here on the Northside. Check out the "Ten simple ways..." below and then check out the 17 - count ‘em 17 - arts organizations on the Northside that serve up plentiful arts opportunities to everyone in this community - and beyond.
Ten simple ways Northsiders can get more art in their lives
1. Enjoy the arts with others. Sing, play music, read a book, dance, or draw with your children, friends and neighbors.
2. Encourage people to participate in the arts and celebrate their participation in the arts.
3. Explore your community libraries.
4. Read your local newspapers to find out about attending local arts events like art exhibits, local plays, festivals or outdoor concerts.
5. Tell teachers, principals and school leaders that the arts are vital to our children's success and an important part of a quality education. Find out if your local school has sufficient resources for arts education, including qualified teachers and materials. If not, offer to help.
6. Contact your local arts organizations to inquire about the arts education programs they offer (see list, below). Volunteer to donate time, supplies, or help with their advocacy efforts and connect these services to local schools and neighborhoods.
7. Attend a school board or PTA meeting and voice your support for the arts to show them you care and make sure the arts are adequately funded as part of the core curriculum in the school budget.
8. Explore your dreams to sing, dance, draw, act-and encourage others to do the same.
9. Be an arts supporter! Contact your elected officials to ask them for more arts education funding from the local, state and federal levels. A good source for this information is Minnesota Citizens for the Arts, a statewide arts advocacy organization whose mission is to ensure opportunity for all people to have access to and involvement in the arts. See www.mncitizensforthearts.org.
10. Sign up for the Northside Arts Collective's online newsletter, Northside Arts News. It includes a comprehensive list of arts activities and opportunities on the Northside, updated monthly. To get on the list contact 612-643-2050 or info@nacarts.org.
Here's the list of 17 Northside arts organizations where you can pursue some of the items on the list - or otherwise be inspired.
Asian Media Access
Black Storytellers Alliance
Camden Music School
Capri Theatre
Hollywood Studio of Dance
Homewood Studios
Juxtaposition Arts
Les Jolies Petites School of Dance
Lundstrum Center for the Arts
Northside Arts Collective
NorthSide Writers Group
Plymouth Avenue Art Studio
PEACE Foundation
The Warren-An Artist Habitat
Workhouse Theatre
Northeast Minneapolis Arts Association
Most of these organizations are just a Google search away, or you can pick up a Northside Arts Collective Arts & Cultural Resource Catalog at local businesses, or call NAC for a copy, 612-643-2050. Northside schools, libraries and parks are great resources, too. Go and do!