Could your life be better? Make sure it does - you count!
Yes, your life can be better by taking the 2010 Census-it will be a snapshot of our nation's population-capturing our changing and diverse America in a fleeting moment in time. But this historic event will do more than tell us who we are as a nation, it will affect your community's future. Your country's future. Your future. The federal government tells us that everyone counts, but when it comes to the national Census too few actually do-and that fact robs Minneapolis neighborhoods of millions of dollars.
Every 10 years the U.S. government tries to count everyone living within its borders to determine the number of seats each state will have in the House of Representatives and to distribute hundreds of billions in federal dollars for schools, hospitals and transportation projects. But one in five people say they won't participate in the 2010 Census, citing disinterest and distrust of government as the primary reasons. Youth, people of color and those living in poverty are the most likely to be uncounted.
Significant undercounting of Minnesota's population occurred in the past two federal counts. In 1990 about 20,000 state residents were overlooked; 10 years later more than 14,000 were missed. For every 100 people uncounted this year, Minnesota will lose $1 million in federal funds over the next 10 years.
The stakes are great for Minneapolis. An accurate count of Minneapolis in the 2010 Census is vitally important to the city's future. Census data determines how $300 billion is annually distributed for 170 federal programs and the need for additional social services, including community development block grants and other grant programs essential to many communities. For every 100 people who are not counted, $1 million is lost to the people of Minneapolis over the next decade.
You matter-you count-so be counted. You will get your census form in the mail in March. It only has 10 questions and only takes about 10 minutes to answer. Do it - fill it out and mail it back by April 1 and make yourself count!