New beginnings at Camden Apartments
By: Staff 07/01/2007

Twenty-three previously homeless families, most headed by single custodial fathers, moved into the new Camden Apartments at 4643 Lyndale in February, and they finally enjoyed a public celebration of their new beginnings on June 20. Hundreds of individuals representing the public, private and nonprofit sectors attended and celebrated with the building’s residents. Program highlights included residents who shared stories, the Bailey Family sang duets, and dozens of kids who reside in the Camden Apartments and Faegre & Benson volunteers officially cut the ribbon for the new onsite playground. Speaking at the event were Emerge Executive Director Mike Wynne, Project for Pride in Living Executive Director Steve Cramer, Minneapolis City Council Member Barbara Johnson, Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Commissioner Tim Marx, Minneapolis Field Office Director Dexter Sidney and Hennepin County Board Chair Mike Opat. Pictured are the children running to the new playground after the ribbon cutting. Photo by Scott Streble.