Webber Library closed
By: Susan Quist 08/01/2013

On July 11, I was enjoying the soulful sounds of Chastity Brown at Live on the Drive, when my tranquility was interrupted by the news that Webber Park Library is closed indefinitely due to structural problems. A quick trip to the library proved the rumors to be true. It was sad news to take in, especially because of the struggles in the last decade to keep the library open for just three days a week and the efforts of the community to support the library through the Friends of Webber Park Library.
On July 18 County Commissioner Linda Higgins met with a small group of community members at Webber Library to see the damage first hand. Hennepin County property staff were also present to answer questions. They reported that the library was closed because of safety concerns that became apparent early in July when a portion of the metal framing that holds the ceiling tiles twisted, causing tiles to fall to the floor. Hennepin County responded by closing the library until structural engineers could assess the situation. Initial results indicate that a portion of the building is settling, resulting in significant cracks in the masonry on both the interior and exterior walls of the library. Prior work on the building included foundation repairs in 2008 and caulking of exterior cracks in the masonry last year, considered at the time to be common, masonry upkeep. Hennepin County Property Manager Jerome Ryan said the seriousness of the damage became apparent when the tiles fell and upon further observation it was revealed that there is significant structural damage due to sinking of the west wall of the library. The floor and wall are separated and interior cracking of masonry, in some places goes from the floor to the ceiling, with gaps up to one inch wide.
In the short term Hennepin County has reinforced the interior wall with 4” by 4” posts, installed diagonally to the floor and steel ceiling beam. Chris Sagveen, Hennepin County Public Works said that structural engineers will take core samples of the soil to see what has caused the foundation to shift. The two likely causes being water or incorrectly compacted soil. He emphasized that until the engineers have done their work it is only speculation as to the cause and the feasibility of repairing the damage. Judy Hollander, Director of Property Services, said the County is self-insured; meaning the cost of repairs would be paid by Hennepin County. The County Board will decide how to precede once all of the data is available, which should be in five to six weeks. The County has also arranged to meet with the Minneapolis Park Board on July 29 to insure that they are working cooperatively in their decision making.
Commissioner Higgins indicated that it is premature to speculate on the outcome, but that this starts the conversation about the future Webber Park Library again and sooner. She said the good news is that nobody was hurt when tiles fell and the building has been shored up. “We appreciate everyone’s concerns, including the Friends of the Webber Park Library and patrons who are so valuable to this important community asset. We ask that everyone be patient while the engineers are conducting their review.”
Higgins plans to hold a community meeting to discuss the results of the structural analysis. If you would like to be informed of this meeting time and place contact Tina Sanz at Tina.Sanz@co.hennepin.mn.us or 612-348-7882. Library materials on hold for patrons at Webber Park Library have been moved to North Regional Library for pick-up. The Webber Library staff have been temporarily assigned to nearby libraries. The Hennepin County Library staff are waiting to hear from the structural engineers before making a decision about a temporary site.