Youth can ride special buses for free this summer
By: Staff 07/01/2007
Get ready to see the familiar yellow school bus in a new role this summer. Responding to youth and community concerns about safe transportation for young people wishing to attend out-of-school time programs, the Minneapolis Youth Coordinating Board has launched two You^th Are Here bus routes serving Near North/Camden and Phillips/Powderhorn. Young people ages 9-18 may ride the bus for free, getting on and off the bus at 11 destinations along the route. The buses are also intended to get more young people involved in youth program opportunities and enable programs to reach youth who previously may not have attended their program due to a lack of transportation.
YCB Executive Director Judith Kahn said, “We often frame ‘youth engagement’ as a safety issue, and it is; but it is really much, much more than that. When our young people are involved in programs and opportunities with caring, competent adults – whether in our park centers or libraries or schools or non-profits – they can get the skills and experiences that prepare them for school and for life.” Kahn continued, “Young people we have interviewed over the past year overwhelmingly told us they want to be involved in fun and exciting activities, but that transportation (safe access) is a significant barrier. Creating the You^th Are Here bus routes was the logical answer.”
The buses are available Monday through Friday, until August 24 for youth ages 9-18. Buses will travel a circular route every 50 minutes from noon to 8 p.m. stopping at designated libraries, parks and nonprofit organizations. The buses will be supervised at all times by a youth worker. The bus is free, but registration is required. Registration forms and materials are available at all You^th Are Here bus sites, and downloadable registration forms and route information flyers are available at