Lights - not ‘sweeps’
By: Tom Schmitt 10/01/2006

I have lived in the Victory neighborhood for almost 10 years and I have seen numerous anti-crime campaigns come and go. Unfortunately, we still have crime. The latest Northside Inspection Sweep is being justified on the basis that it will help decrease crime. I have heard numerous neighbors voice the same concerns and complaints as myself, and we all doubt that neatly painted trim on our garages will do anything to prevent crime. Here is a suggestion that I have found will prevent crime and may help those frustrated with the city of Minneapolis feel a little empowerment: Get a street light installed!
According to the city’s own guidelines, there must be a light every 200 feet along both streets and alleys. In my alley there wasn’t one, so my neighbors and I petitioned the city and had one installed. The effect in decreasing neighborhood crime was immediately noticeable. There is no cost to homeowners if Minneapolis’ current lighting guidelines are not being met in the area. In some high crime areas we would probably all be better off with lighting in excess of the current standards, and the cost of installation and operation in these areas is still lower to residents than having their own individual lights. The small expense to Minneapolis for additional lighting will be far more effective at preventing crime than any amount of regulatory effort towards making our neighborhoods look nice. It will also easily be paid for by simply using all the fines they have collected from the Northside Inspection Sweep.
Tom Schmitt