Questioning a candidate
By: Chris Hiatt 08/01/2008
After having read the letter to the editor from Grant Cermak and seeing his political ad, I was pleased to have the opportunity to personally follow up with him on it while he was out door knocking for his campaign. We spoke at some length about the lackadaisical approach to property crimes on our Northside and a noticeable decline in overall police presence. When I asked him how it was the city could come up with the funds for a $300,000 street car feasibility study but not enough funds to hire a few more police officers, he said these were questions he too would like to ask and ones that as state representative he would. When it comes to politics, “change” is not necessarily substantial. Change to me is accountability and results. Having met and spoken with Grant I know he’s committed to that goal. It is for this reason I intend to fully support him.
Chris Hiatt