When will ‘metal mania’ stop?
By: Mary Ann Schissler 08/01/2008

This is ridiculous! In the past year, the first items stolen from my yard were six ‘copper-colored' solar lights (did get them back, but that's another story). About six weeks ago, one metal planter in my front garden (nice of them to leave the plant!) was taken and two weeks ago, I actually yelled at the youth at 12:15 a.m. who was in the process of stealing another of my planters plus the geraniums! As I was screaming at the thief to get out of my yard - he did exit the yard - with the planter! What else has been stolen? How about copper piping from too many vacant homes, a neighbor's grill taken out of the ground, catalytic converters being removed from vehicles and one resident had two drain pipes stolen - drain pipes for goodness sakes! The next thing you know, our clothes poles complete with laundry hanging on the lines will disappear! Guess I'll have to start putting ugly plastic items in the yard and dry my clothes in the basement in the summer... Are we working to provide metal for these slugs to steal? This is ridiculous!
Mary Ann Schissler